Saturday 11 July 2015

Four Weeks in London: Week 3 & 4

Hi Guys!

Sorry this post has been a bit delayed - I'd like to say I've been busy and that's why I haven't blogged in a while. But I haven't been busy at all, I've just been lazy!

So anyway, the 3rd of July was my last day in London. And my last two weeks there were just as good as the third - well the third week was just as good, the fourth was a bit more stressful...

Week 3
I had another good week at placement this week, still doing admin work and stuff, but the fact I was working in a television company meant that didn't matter. It was all about the experience! On the Thursday I went for a lovely Mexican meal with my cousin and his girlfriend who I was staying with. It was de-liiish. I should know the name of the place and remember what I had to eat (I think it was possibly enchiladas?), but I can't. I do know what I ate and the cocktails I had were amazing! On the Friday, it was time to go home for the weekend yet again. But this time I wouldn't be travelling back up on the Sunday to stay for the week - my cousin and his girlfriend had booked time off work to have a little break! So I had to commute for my last week - I have to say initially I was excited.

Week 4
As I was saying, week 4, my final week, I was having to commute. I was so excited to commute, I can't explain why, I just was. I think it's partly to do with my new found love train and tube journeys. So, Monday morning comes and I'm up at 6:30 to get ready to go and catch the 8:11 Virgin Train from Coventry to London Euston. My day at North One flies by, I finish at 5 to go and get the 17:43 Virgin Train from London Euston back to Coventry. I loved commuting until about Wednesday, when I just began to get really tired... I'm like a toddler when it comes to getting excited about things, I can get bored quite quickly!

However my commute was made a bit easier up until Wednesday as I was listening to a Podcast that had been recommended to me by my cousin and his girlfriend - I talk about them a lot so their names are Christopher and Sarah - so anyway, they had recommended this Podcast to me called Serial, about a young guy who was convicted of killing his girlfriend in the late 90s. A journalist called Sarah Koenig, is going through all the evidence in the trial and trying to work out if the guy convicted, Adnan Syed was actually guilty or not. I would 100% recommend listening to it. I was hooked after episode 1! Anyway, I went off on a bit of rant there, my commute was made easier until my last journey on Wednesday when I finished the Podcast. What was I going to listen to now?!

While I was in London the weather had been lovely. Which was good, but also bad because I couldn't go out and enjoy the weather! I was stuck in an office, which fortunately for everyone, was air-conditioned. So Friday came, my last day at North One Television. I was sad it was over, but also kind of happy because I didn't have to do the dreaded commute anymore. I think if I were to ever get a job or want to work in London I would definitely have to move there! I said my goodbyes and thank you's to those I'd worked with while I was there, and left to go and get my last 17:43 back to Coventry.

To sum up, London was such a great experience for me. It helped me overcome a lot. As I've mentioned before, before London I was such an anxious traveller - when on my own anyway. But now I really enjoy travelling on my own, and I think I can honestly say I could do most train journeys on my own now. What I'd say to anyone reading this (and if you're still reading this far down, well done, I applaud you for making it through my rambles) is if you're lucky enough to get an amazing opportunity like I did, just go for it no matter how scared it makes you! I was terrified, but I've overcome so much. And I'm honestly so proud of myself.

So, see you again, London!

That's it for today - thanks for reading, it really does mean a lot.

Lydia xo

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