Wednesday 20 April 2016

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Roosh V: The pro-rape 'pick up artist'

Today, I saw something online that utterly disgusted me. I read an article which was posted by the Independent, I'll link it below. The article was about anti-feminist blogger Daryush Valizadeh, who, is unbelievably pro-rape.

He believes that rape should be allowed on private property. Sorry, what? How anyone can justify any form of sexual abuse happening anywhere is beyond me!

Any sexual assault on either gender is 100% wrong, anyone with a brain can see that. And making it legal on private properties will not help the problem, it will increase the number of rape attacks, surely?!

The 'pick up artist' has organised events where like-minded men can all go and meet up, 8 of these meet ups are happening in various cities in the UK, one of which being Leeds, which is, for those who don't know, where I'm currently living. Terrifying.

One of Roosh V's 'pick up' tips is to "stop asking for permission", which is surely one of the premises behind rape? 'She didn't say no' comes to mind.

He believes that by legalising rape, it'll stop, you can almost see his logic there... or not. He also claims that rape is easily preventable, how can we prevent this, please tell me? I'm sure thousands of women, men and children would love to know how they could have prevented their attacker from violating their bodies.

"I saw women who, once feeling awkward, sad, or guilty for a sexual encounter they didn't fully remember, call upon an authority figure to resolve the problem by locking up her previous night's lover in prison or ejecting him from school."

So apparently if a woman has a one night stand, she automatically cries rape and goes to the police. I'm not saying there aren't women or men like this out there, but to say that to avoid embarrassment after a one night stand, women immediately go to the police? Jumping ahead of ourselves a bit aren't we?

Surely this is one of the biggest reasons both men and women are afraid to come forward after an assault, because of like minded bigots like Roosh V.

How 'pick up artist' Roosh V 'picks up' any women at all with these views is VERY questionable.

Men like Roosh V should not be taken seriously by anyone, and for those men attending the 'pick up artists' events in the various countries, well, you need to take a look at yourself or you're very likely to be single for a very long time.

Independent Article:

Sunday 20 December 2015

Christmas GlossyBox Opening♡

Hi everyone!

I subscribe to a service called GlossyBox, which is monthly subscription service that sends you 5 beauty products at the beginning of each month, this month however, we got 6 products (exciting!). The boxes are monthly edits put together by the people at GlossyBox, and I thought I'd share this months box with you all!

This months GlossyBox looked gorgeous! (FYI the box is actually rose gold, even though my iPhone didn't exactly pick that up.) It just looked so festive and cute, safe to say I was SO excited to see what was inside.

The box comes with information on the box for that month, what it includes and what the products inside are for and what they do!

It's also packaged so nicely.

I opened this months box and was immediately so excited! It was so worth the £10 this month.

So lets get onto the products inside!

The first product was this So Susan, Statement Skin Highlighter Pencil, this product is full size! First impressions are sooo good! It looks so good to highlight with. I'm excited to try it on my next night out! I swatched it (which I wanted to put on here, but it wouldn't photograph well!!) but anyway I swatched it, and it was sooo pretty! It's really pigmented and stands out so nicely. It is £15 at

Next was ĂȘtre belle's Golden Skin Caviar Eye Roll on. I have to say I've already used this because I was looking far too dead this morning to leave the house without makeup. So decided to see if this would wake up my face, without my having to put on makeup, and it did! It's so cooling and really wakes up your eyes, not only in the way they look but the way the feel! I would definitely suggest this for those morning eyes! The full size product is £30.66

This is Hylamide's Pore Delete. I've already used this too, again when I wanted to leave the house without makeup! It did exactly what it says, deletes the pores. It also almost made my face look photoshopped, as much as it can without actually using photoshop. The full size product is £18 at, and I would definitely consider purchasing this!

Next is Collection's Long Lasting Nail Effects in Cosmic Stars. This is also a full size product, and with it being a high-street makeup brand it's only £2.99, probably available in both Superdrug and Boots. As you can see from the second picture, the colour is a lovely pretty purple. And SO sparkly!! Perfect for the Christmas season.
Another full size product! It's essence's Liquid Liptstick in the shade Show Off. Liquid lipsticks are wicked, they tend to be so much easier to apply than an actual lipstick! This has a doe-foot applicator making it so easy to apply! The colour is so lovely, it'll brighten up any makeup look. And at only £2.50 on, you cannot go wrong!
Finally it's the 6th product! Starskin's Bio-Cellulose Second Skin Mask. Something else that I have already used! It made my skin feel so good. And it felt so refreshing, and it hydrated my skin so well. There were four of these masks available, I got the calming one. All of the mask available are soaked in a vitamin-packed serum. The masks are £8.50 at Selfridges.

So there you have it! GlossyBox's Christmassy December edit! I'd definitely recommend subscribing to GlossyBox, £10 a month is so worth it for all the products you get!

That's it from me, and if I don't post again before Christmas, Merry Christmas and have a good one, I hope you all get spoilt!!

Lydia xo

Monday 26 October 2015

Friendships: Honesty & Advice♡

Hi Guys,

Today's post is a bit of a different one. I just felt like I've had a few friends lately be upset for various reasons and I've had people asking for advice on what to do and where to go next. So I thought I'd write a bit of an honest post giving some advice!

Something that I've always found so hard to grasp is fickleness in friendship groups, specifically when it comes to opposite sex being involved.

I can't understand how people are always so willing to drop their friends the second someone makes a mistake or something goes wrong. It just doesn't make sense to me.

People really just don't seem at all willing to fight for friendships anymore, especially when there's a boy or girl involved.

It's sad that friends are so ready to come and go like the friendship was nothing.

Mistakes are often made in any kind of relationship. But it's definitely crazy to see how many people are much more prepared to forgive their partners big mistake, but not their friends.

It might just be me here, but I think if you really value someone's friendship and them being in your life, when mistakes happen, it should be something that can be worked through and then in an ideal world, save the friendship.

Now, I'm not saying all mistakes are easily forgiven, some mistakes, depending on how serious it is, you may not be able to ever forgive. I'm also not saying that I'm an angel who's never made a mistake in her life. Because I definitely have. And I've definitely had people make mistakes towards me and have done things in our friendships that have made me angry. But isn't that natural? Isn't it human nature? Mistakes and bad choices are something that everyone does, surely?

I know when friends have done stuff to me thats upset or hurt me, after the initial upset, I've just wanted to sort it with them and put it behind us.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can't and never will understand people who constantly insist they're so for "bros before hoes" and "chicks before d*cks". But when it actually comes down to it, they're much more willing to fight for their relationship with their boyfriend/girlfriend than they are willing to fight for a long term friendship.

My advice to anyone who's friends have a made a bad choice, is to hear them out. Listen to them, and see if there's any way you can salvage the friendship. Because is any friendship worth being thrown away over something that could have quite easily been forgiven and forgotten? Especially when it's to do with someone of the opposite sex.

And if you're the one who's made the mistake, just give your friend time. Sometimes, time is all they need.

Until next time!!
Lydia xo

Saturday 24 October 2015

I have no idea...

I literally have no clue where I'm even going with this post.

I just knew I wanted to write something on here. I miss blogging, but I've got no motivation, and idea's for interesting and readable posts are at an all time low.

When I started this blog, ideas were coming from everywhere. I think I'm just thinking about it too much.

I think every idea I come up with is sh*t. I just want it to be interesting, but I want it to appeal to everyone.

But then, I know that's not always possible. Especially when I'm writing about makeup and beauty products.

Maybe I'll just write about what's going on right now.

Well, first things first. I'm back at uni. Second year, and I have to take it seriously. My marks actually mean something this year.

I've moved into my house in Leeds with my fab housemates Chloe (brown hair) and Liv (the blondie that isn't me).

We've been making the most of the clubs and our student loans while they last.

But, my times of going out are at an end for a while. As of Tuesday I will be out of action for about a month, minimum. I am going home to have an operation. Only a minor one.

I haven't really spoken about it 'cause, lets face it, it's a bit grim. But I'm having an operation on my foot, it might be both of them, I'm not 100% sure yet, the fate of my feet will be decided on Tuesday.

As of Monday I will be back home in Coventry for two weeks, while I have my operation and take time to recover and hopefully get back on my feet again.

I am sh*tting it. I'm so scared the anaesthetic won't work and I'll feel it, which I know won't happen. But it doesn't stop me thinking it might happen.

I'm trying to think of the positives. Like my feet finally being sorted, and then there's the money I'll save. Being a student who gets a terrible loan - that's always a plus.

Well, this whole post was a little bit random and a bit mish-mashy. But I just wanted to post something, in hope that if I started writing on here again, something would come to me. And I'd get my 'blog mojo' back. I don't know what my thought process was really. But here you go. A blog post. Albeit a little bit of a messy one.

I hope to be back with regular posts soon!

Lydia xo

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Lazy Days... A lot of them...

Hi Everyone!

Here I come with the apology again... I have been very lazy with uploading blog posts, even though I've planned so many, I still didn't really know which one to pick or what to write about. So I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while!

So anyway, I was having a chat with someone, and they gave me the idea to just simply write about being lazy, and my lazy days! If they're reading this, they know who they are, so thanks for the inspiration!

As I've said, lately I've been having a lot of lazy days. Which in a way is a good thing I suppose, allowing myself to relax between working at the weekends, and I have actually recently started working out, so in my head, the lazy days are allowed!

I thought I would share with you guys what I have been doing on my many lazy days recently...

Of course, a staple part of anyone's lazy days.

I've loved Friends for so long. I think it's just one of those TV shows that pretty much everyone loves! No matter how many times I watch an episode I still find it funny, and no matter my mood Friends is something I can always watch, I've been watching it a lot on my recent lazy days!

The question on everyone's lips who is A?! By the time this goes up, the identity of A will be known, but I love watching PLL on my lazy days, watching old episodes as well as the new ones on a Wednesday for us in the UK!

I've loved watching these 3 films on my lazy days. (I've also loved watching We're the Millers, but that's in my iTunes library, I don't have it on DVD). Beauty and the Beast just reminds me of being little again, it's hands down my favourite Disney film.

The Great Gatsby - I just love this film. I love the soundtrack, I love the costume, I love the set design, I would go on but I don't want to bore you. Moral of the story, I love this film. Not your typical lazy day film, but hey!

And of course Mrs Doubtfire. This is one of my favourite films, I can watch it over and over without getting bored. It's just brilliant.


When I get bored with watching Netflix or the TV. I get a book. I finished Paula Hawkins' The Girl on the Train in a day. I really liked it! I was just fully hooked and I just had to finish it straight away, even if that meant staying up until 3am to finish it! I live such a wild lifestyle...

I'm currently reading Giovanna Fletcher's Dream a little Dream. So far I'm really enjoying it, if you enjoy girly, chance-meeting romance kind of books, like I do, you'll really enjoy this!


Some lazy days, I really fancy treating myself to a face mask. And this one has definitely been my favourite. It's so good for your skin. When you put it on it tingles slightly, but not in a way that feels uncomfortable. And when you wash it off, OH MY GOD, your skin feels soooo unbelievably soft, and my skin also looks really good after I've used it!

A lazy day usually isn't complete without a long soak in the bath, preferably with a Lush bath bomb. The one in the picture is called Shoot for the Stars. As well as looking really pretty it also smelt so amazing! And my skin felt so good after using it.


What bath is complete without music?! I'm still loving James Bay. This album is beautiful, and also perfect bath-time/lazy day music.

Candles are perfect for lazy days, whether that be in while your in the bath, or just in your room. Yankee Candles are my personal favourites to use. The two in the picture are Midnight Jasmine and Soft Blanket. I use Midnight Jasmine if I want a fresh floral scent, and I use Soft Blanket if I want a calming/relaxing scent. P.s. I don't usually light both the Yankee Candles at the same time, I just did it for the picture to show you guys!

I hope you enjoyed this little insight into my [many] lazy days. Although I do love lazy days, I'm going to try to be a bit more productive, workout more and get more posts up more often!

Thanks for reading! Until next time... which will hopefully be soon!!

Lydia xo

Saturday 11 July 2015

Four Weeks in London: Week 3 & 4

Hi Guys!

Sorry this post has been a bit delayed - I'd like to say I've been busy and that's why I haven't blogged in a while. But I haven't been busy at all, I've just been lazy!

So anyway, the 3rd of July was my last day in London. And my last two weeks there were just as good as the third - well the third week was just as good, the fourth was a bit more stressful...

Week 3
I had another good week at placement this week, still doing admin work and stuff, but the fact I was working in a television company meant that didn't matter. It was all about the experience! On the Thursday I went for a lovely Mexican meal with my cousin and his girlfriend who I was staying with. It was de-liiish. I should know the name of the place and remember what I had to eat (I think it was possibly enchiladas?), but I can't. I do know what I ate and the cocktails I had were amazing! On the Friday, it was time to go home for the weekend yet again. But this time I wouldn't be travelling back up on the Sunday to stay for the week - my cousin and his girlfriend had booked time off work to have a little break! So I had to commute for my last week - I have to say initially I was excited.

Week 4
As I was saying, week 4, my final week, I was having to commute. I was so excited to commute, I can't explain why, I just was. I think it's partly to do with my new found love train and tube journeys. So, Monday morning comes and I'm up at 6:30 to get ready to go and catch the 8:11 Virgin Train from Coventry to London Euston. My day at North One flies by, I finish at 5 to go and get the 17:43 Virgin Train from London Euston back to Coventry. I loved commuting until about Wednesday, when I just began to get really tired... I'm like a toddler when it comes to getting excited about things, I can get bored quite quickly!

However my commute was made a bit easier up until Wednesday as I was listening to a Podcast that had been recommended to me by my cousin and his girlfriend - I talk about them a lot so their names are Christopher and Sarah - so anyway, they had recommended this Podcast to me called Serial, about a young guy who was convicted of killing his girlfriend in the late 90s. A journalist called Sarah Koenig, is going through all the evidence in the trial and trying to work out if the guy convicted, Adnan Syed was actually guilty or not. I would 100% recommend listening to it. I was hooked after episode 1! Anyway, I went off on a bit of rant there, my commute was made easier until my last journey on Wednesday when I finished the Podcast. What was I going to listen to now?!

While I was in London the weather had been lovely. Which was good, but also bad because I couldn't go out and enjoy the weather! I was stuck in an office, which fortunately for everyone, was air-conditioned. So Friday came, my last day at North One Television. I was sad it was over, but also kind of happy because I didn't have to do the dreaded commute anymore. I think if I were to ever get a job or want to work in London I would definitely have to move there! I said my goodbyes and thank you's to those I'd worked with while I was there, and left to go and get my last 17:43 back to Coventry.

To sum up, London was such a great experience for me. It helped me overcome a lot. As I've mentioned before, before London I was such an anxious traveller - when on my own anyway. But now I really enjoy travelling on my own, and I think I can honestly say I could do most train journeys on my own now. What I'd say to anyone reading this (and if you're still reading this far down, well done, I applaud you for making it through my rambles) is if you're lucky enough to get an amazing opportunity like I did, just go for it no matter how scared it makes you! I was terrified, but I've overcome so much. And I'm honestly so proud of myself.

So, see you again, London!

That's it for today - thanks for reading, it really does mean a lot.

Lydia xo