Monday 20 April 2015

Back to Leeds!

Hi guys!

Just a bit of chatty catch up for you all!

Yesterday, after 3 weeks off, I finally went back to Leeds for uni! Its about a 3 hour/3 and half hour journey back to Leeds, so it's the perfect excuse to create a 'Road Trip' playlist with songs that you know all the words to!

I never really realise how much stuff I've brought back with me until I have to pack it all back up and then pack the car up! I'm never really sure how one girl can own so much stuff...

(And this wasn't even half of it)
Long journey's are really good for thinking, looking out the window dramatically when a Beyonce or Drake song comes on (everyone does it) and car games! My dad even made his own up, where he rated male and female drivers he saw on the road and graded them for their driving... his conclusion was, interesting, I'll leave it there, I don't even drive so what do I know?!

So, my final semester of my first year is here. It's literally flown by. I remember my moving in day, the fear of making new friends, moving to a much a bigger (and scarier) city, and being so far away from my home comforts. But I can honestly say that I've loved every second of it. Before university, the idea of living in such a big city terrified me. But it's made me realise how much I love it! I'm even considering maybe living in London one day now, even though I'd always said I wanted to live up-north - but baby steps.

I've met some amazing people, and I can't wait for the journey to continue and to move in to my house next year with my soon-to-be housemates, Liv and Chloe!

The excitement is real, but thats all from me for now, I'm off to get ready to go out tonight!

Lydia xo


  1. Moving in a new place far from home is really challenging, but it's exciting at the same time. I'm glad that you’re loving the life in the city. I hope that you are having a great time in the university too. I'm excited to hear about your soon-to-be housemates next year. Haha! Thanks for sharing, Lydia! :-)

    Robyn Harmon @ Hills Moving

  2. I'm you're looking forward to hearing more! Thank you for your comment :)
