Sunday 19 April 2015

What we should have been taught at school but never were...

The other day I was speaking to a couple of my friends and we were discussing school and the things we felt that we should have been been taught in school but never were. This conversation gave me an idea for a blog post.

School was either the best time of your life or the worst. For many, there is no in between, you either look back on your years at school with fondness and nostalgia or with completely and utter embarrassment.

I'm sure many of you will agree that there were simple life skills that we were never taught in school and we should have been.

Here's my Top 5:

1. We were never taught about politics unless you took it as an option. Too many people my age (including myself) have no clue how our country is run. All I know is who runs it, and that there is an up-and-coming election. I could not tell you the policies of any of the parties or what they stand for. Instead of politics, I got taught Pythagoras' Theorem, which for me and many others has not been used since our final exams.

American Politics - but you get the point.

2. I went to a Catholic school, so this one's for my fellow Catholic-school-goers. We never got taught basic sex education. Instead we got taught a 'Catholic way of life' and the importance of abstinence. I know religion has it's rules. But surely something as simple as explaining sex education is key in a secondary school where a lot of the student population are sexually active.

3. We had basic lessons on CV writing and cover letter writing, but we were never actually told how to apply for jobs with these well written CV's. Instead, we were given all the skills, but not the knowledge to actually apply them.

4. We were never told how to balance a work life, student life and a social life. We were told we had to have all of these aspects in our lives, but we never actually told how that was possible. We were just left to stress as we worked that one out for ourselves.

5. Finally, and maybe one of the most important things in our adult lives, is budgeting money. We were never taught the importance of having a budget. Instead, I had to sit in a maths classroom trying to discover what the value of X and Y was.

I'm sure you and I could both think of a lot more things that we should have been taught in school, both funny and serious things. But here's just 5 that I thought of. Feel free to share things you feel we should have been taught in school but we never were! 

That's it from me for now!

Lydia xo

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