Saturday 24 October 2015

I have no idea...

I literally have no clue where I'm even going with this post.

I just knew I wanted to write something on here. I miss blogging, but I've got no motivation, and idea's for interesting and readable posts are at an all time low.

When I started this blog, ideas were coming from everywhere. I think I'm just thinking about it too much.

I think every idea I come up with is sh*t. I just want it to be interesting, but I want it to appeal to everyone.

But then, I know that's not always possible. Especially when I'm writing about makeup and beauty products.

Maybe I'll just write about what's going on right now.

Well, first things first. I'm back at uni. Second year, and I have to take it seriously. My marks actually mean something this year.

I've moved into my house in Leeds with my fab housemates Chloe (brown hair) and Liv (the blondie that isn't me).

We've been making the most of the clubs and our student loans while they last.

But, my times of going out are at an end for a while. As of Tuesday I will be out of action for about a month, minimum. I am going home to have an operation. Only a minor one.

I haven't really spoken about it 'cause, lets face it, it's a bit grim. But I'm having an operation on my foot, it might be both of them, I'm not 100% sure yet, the fate of my feet will be decided on Tuesday.

As of Monday I will be back home in Coventry for two weeks, while I have my operation and take time to recover and hopefully get back on my feet again.

I am sh*tting it. I'm so scared the anaesthetic won't work and I'll feel it, which I know won't happen. But it doesn't stop me thinking it might happen.

I'm trying to think of the positives. Like my feet finally being sorted, and then there's the money I'll save. Being a student who gets a terrible loan - that's always a plus.

Well, this whole post was a little bit random and a bit mish-mashy. But I just wanted to post something, in hope that if I started writing on here again, something would come to me. And I'd get my 'blog mojo' back. I don't know what my thought process was really. But here you go. A blog post. Albeit a little bit of a messy one.

I hope to be back with regular posts soon!

Lydia xo


  1. Hope all goes well with the operation xxxx

    1. Thank you! Will let you know how it goes xxxx
