Monday 26 October 2015

Friendships: Honesty & Advice♡

Hi Guys,

Today's post is a bit of a different one. I just felt like I've had a few friends lately be upset for various reasons and I've had people asking for advice on what to do and where to go next. So I thought I'd write a bit of an honest post giving some advice!

Something that I've always found so hard to grasp is fickleness in friendship groups, specifically when it comes to opposite sex being involved.

I can't understand how people are always so willing to drop their friends the second someone makes a mistake or something goes wrong. It just doesn't make sense to me.

People really just don't seem at all willing to fight for friendships anymore, especially when there's a boy or girl involved.

It's sad that friends are so ready to come and go like the friendship was nothing.

Mistakes are often made in any kind of relationship. But it's definitely crazy to see how many people are much more prepared to forgive their partners big mistake, but not their friends.

It might just be me here, but I think if you really value someone's friendship and them being in your life, when mistakes happen, it should be something that can be worked through and then in an ideal world, save the friendship.

Now, I'm not saying all mistakes are easily forgiven, some mistakes, depending on how serious it is, you may not be able to ever forgive. I'm also not saying that I'm an angel who's never made a mistake in her life. Because I definitely have. And I've definitely had people make mistakes towards me and have done things in our friendships that have made me angry. But isn't that natural? Isn't it human nature? Mistakes and bad choices are something that everyone does, surely?

I know when friends have done stuff to me thats upset or hurt me, after the initial upset, I've just wanted to sort it with them and put it behind us.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I can't and never will understand people who constantly insist they're so for "bros before hoes" and "chicks before d*cks". But when it actually comes down to it, they're much more willing to fight for their relationship with their boyfriend/girlfriend than they are willing to fight for a long term friendship.

My advice to anyone who's friends have a made a bad choice, is to hear them out. Listen to them, and see if there's any way you can salvage the friendship. Because is any friendship worth being thrown away over something that could have quite easily been forgiven and forgotten? Especially when it's to do with someone of the opposite sex.

And if you're the one who's made the mistake, just give your friend time. Sometimes, time is all they need.

Until next time!!
Lydia xo

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