Wednesday 29 April 2015

From Sixth Form to University

Looking back, I would not have gone to sixth form, it was NOT for me at all, I spent my 2 years there dreading everyday, the stress made me ill. If it hadn't had been for my friends, family and my amazing head of year, I would not have stuck out sixth form, never mind be in University now studying for a degree. So I am almost thankful for those 2 dreadful years.

If I hadn't applied for university, I can say in all honesty I have no idea what I would be doing right now. I suppose I could have got a job, or made my waitressing job full time, but I didn't want to be a waitress all my life. And I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life at all.

No, I was not ridiculously academic like some of my friends, (who, I am very proud to say go to wicked universities, studying incredible degrees), BUT I was good at one thing. And that was Media. If I'm 100% honest, I only applied to university to study Media because I felt university was the route we had to go, and I only chose Media because it was one of two of my A-Levels that I was doing well in and that I enjoyed. I originally wanted to go to Manchester, but on results day when I found out that I hadn't got in, but Leeds Trinity had given me an unconditional offer, it was really a no brainer.

Despite my original doubts, I can now say whole-heartedly that I am glad I applied to university and that I applied to study Media. I've found something that I really want to spend the rest of my life pursuing and doing. Hence the blog.

One of my first modules during semester one, was all about social media. I was already a massive blog and YouTube follower, but this module increased my interest. It was because of this module and the final push from my friend Siobhan, that I decided to just man up and start a blog - something that I'd wanted to do forever.

I can confidently say that I would not have realised that I wanted to pursue some form of career in social media without my university course.

I'm not stupid, I know university isn't for everyone. I spent my first few weeks here convinced that university wasn't for me and I just wanted to go home. But, for me, it worked out that I stayed because I found something that I really enjoyed and became passionate about. But I do know it is not for everyone, I would not encourage someone to go to university who does not feel it is for them in any way.

Even though I am only in my first year and I have a lot left to explore in the media industry, I know I have found something that I will continue to do for a long time - whether that be just for fun or in the form of a career, I would not have found this passion without university.

My advice to anyone currently considering university, or has already applied and is thinking of backing out come results day, is to just go for it. You'll know in the first few weeks if it's for you or not. If it is, brilliant, if it's not, you'll have made some amazing friends and lived in (possibly) a different city for a bit! (The student debt is just a minor detail...)

Anyway, that's it from me, I hope this little rant or whatever you'd call this has helped someone or encouraged someone to make a decision whether that be to go to university, or not! Good luck to all of you who are making decisions right now, I've been there and it isn't the easiest, go with whatever you feel will make you the happiest!

Lydia xo

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