Sunday 14 June 2015

Two Weeks in London: Week 1

Travelling gives me so much anxiety. I just get so stressed out when I know I have to travel anywhere. Panic literally fills me on days I know I'm going to be travelling on my own, and days before that day I'll stress myself out about it. I mean, some of the anxiety is probably due to the fact that I don't trust myself in charge of navigating myself somewhere. Geography and navigational skills have never been my strong point. So, when I landed a two week placement at North One Television in London, I was obviously excited, but I couldn't help the anxiety I also felt.

Once I arrive at a destination, and I know what I'm doing, where I'm staying etc, I'm completely fine, however getting to the destination is a different story. When I arrived at London Euston, I knew had a lot more travelling to do. And it was the bit of travelling that I had been dreading the most - the tube. 

What irritates me the most about my anxiety around travelling is, I want to travel! I want to explore, I want to find new places. It's so frustrating knowing you want to do something and the thing that is stopping you doing it, is yourself.

But, London has changed this for me. I love it. I love the fast paced life, I love that its acceptable to walk really fast anywhere and everywhere. Back home, I would never run for a bus - I'd find it embarrassing. But in London, running for transport is acceptable. I love it. So to sum up - I love London.

I also, surprisingly, love the tube - I think its amazing (I might sound like a proper tourist saying this, but who cares?!) I love getting the tube to and from my placement daily. And my placement is also amazing. As I hope to follow a career in some form of Media, I was terrified my placement would just involve me doing Starbucks runs and filing things - I'm not saying I've been given amazing roles, because I haven't, which isn't a bad thing because I wouldn't want to be the one to ruin a perfectly good TV show - but I'm working with a production team of a new show (obviously can't say anything about the show, confidentiality and all that) but I'm actually getting to work on minor bits of the show and with people in the team. Next week I'm even getting to go out on an interview shoot - I love it. I'm not being treated like I thought I was going to be, you hear all these horror stories about starting out in the Media industry, and so far my experience has been nothing like a horror story - maybe slightly tedious work here and there, but hey, we all have to start somewhere!

I've also done some shopping (obviously) with my cousin and his girlfriend. Both amazing people and have definitely my stay in London a lot better! I've done all the touristy bits, which you obvs have to do while in London! - Keep an eye on my Instagram for pictures of all my tourist moments!


So thats it for the London, Week 1 update! Speak soon in another post!

Lydia xo

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