Sunday 26 April 2015

My First Time... TAG

I know this is usually done in the form of a YouTube video, but since I don't make them, I thought I'd do it in blog post form!

(And I haven't been tagged by anyone to do this, I just wanted to do it)

So here goes:

1. First YouTube video you ever watched?
I think it was probably something like Charlie Bit My Finger or some sort of fail video, 11 year old Lydia loved stuff like that!

2. First person you subscribed to on YouTube?
I believe it was Zoella, and I am still subscribed now!

3. Do you still talk to your first love?
I can't really say I've ever experience being in love, so the answer would have to be no, cause there hasn't been one!

4. First kiss?
I think I was in year 6 or something, and it was in the alley behind my house with my "boyfriend" at the time and with my best friend, Katherine, watching. All very awkward really.

5. First alcoholic drink?
Malibu and pineapple juice, I drank way too much of it for my first time drinking, and I've never been able to face Malibu since!

6. First car?
I do not drive! Nor have I even started learning, the idea of me being in charge of a car absolutely petrifies me, but I do hope to learn at some point!

7. First job?
Waitress at a hotel, I still do casual work there when I'm home from university now!
Picture: Me and my friend Renai in our uniforms (which have now changed), celebrating NYE waaay before it actually happened at a dinner we served. Working hard, clearly.

8. First pet?
Dog called Skip, I loved him to pieces, although he wasn't that keen on me, seeing as the age of 3 I almost broke his back... UNINTENTIONALLY, anyway... I think he loved me in a 'I-kind-of-have-to' way.

How bloody cute?!

9. First celebrity crush?
I think is was Charlie Simpson from Busted...
Those eyebrows though!

10. First real boyfriend?

I haven't really been in anything that could be classed as a proper relationship, so their hasn't been one is the answer!

11. Who was the first person to text you today?
My uni friend, and soon-to-be housemate, Chloe, telling me she was her way back to uni, yay!

12. Who was your first teacher?
Mrs Adams, at Christ the King Infant School

13. Where was your first sleepover?
At a family friends house with their daughters, I think I was about 4 or 5?

14. What was the first thing you did this morning?
Had a wee (TMI?)

15. First concert you ever went to?
STEPS!! I mean, let's be honest, 5, 6, 7, 8 was an absolute tune and a half.

16. First broken bone?
My big toe at the age of 2 years old! My mum's a nurse, and it was the first weekend she'd left me and my dad on our own since I'd been born, and then the broken toe thing happened... typical!

17. First movie you ever remember seeing?
I can't really remember the first movie I watched, but I remember I used to love watching Shrek 'cause I found it hilarious! Mum says I also used to enjoy watching Titanic, random film for a young child to enjoy?!

18. First sport you were involved in?
Fun fact: I used to train for Coventry City Swimming Club! I was pretty good even if I do say so myself!

19. First tweet?

I don't really have much to say about this...

20. First Facebook profile picture?
I think I deleted my actual first profile picture for fear of major embarrassment, but here's the first one that's on there...
Me and my godmother's Granddaughter, she's much older than
this now!

21. First piercing?
My ears when I was 4, it was my idea. Mum and dad only agreed to it because they thought when I saw the needle I'd change my mind, which I did not!

So, that's the tag done! Hope you all know a bit more about me, even if it is pretty random stuff!

Hope you enjoyed it!

Lydia xo

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