Sunday 10 May 2015

7 Common Misconceptions About Girls

These are just some things that my friends and I have personally picked up on. It is in no way aimed at anyone in particular, I'm well aware that not all people have these misconceptions.

1. Firstly, a very common misconception is that all girls/women can cook and bake AND enjoy it. We don't, personally cooking stresses me out and I'm rubbish! I can just about manage to bake. So yeah, cooking and baking is not something all women were born with the skills to do!

2. Next, another thing that is commonly thought about girls is that we all want relationships, and as soon as you start seeing someone, she'll want to become serious with you. NO. Some girls do like having a serious relationship, but have you guys ever thought that the girl might be in the same boat as you and not want something serious immediately, if at all?

3. On the topic of relationships, it is commonly thought that all girls enjoy and want lovey-dovey gushy-ness, we don't. Personally too much cuteness makes me want to vomit, and I know a few girls and guys who would agree with me there.

4. When girls are together all we do is bitch. This is not true at all. And I'm not saying we don't have the occasional bitch fest, but our lives really are not interesting enough to bitch EVERY time we're together!

5. If a girl is pretty, she has to be thick, right? Wrong!! Luckily this isn't as common as it used to be, but it still irritates to me to think that some of my close friends who are very intelligent could be ignored and pushed to the side simply because of how they look.

6. If a girl is wearing makeup, she has to be wearing it to impress someone. Not at all. I love experimenting with makeup, I love buying new makeup, and I LOVE wearing makeup. It's not for anyone but myself. It makes me feel confident, and I enjoy it! I know hundreds of girls would agree with me here.

7. Finally, the misconception that irritates me the most. If a girl is wearing something short she is immediately deemed to be easy and up for it. The length of a dress or a skirt is in no way an invitation. It just shows a lack of education and maturity if you think that it is acceptable to treat anyone in such a way simply because of how they choose to dress.

Just a quick little post for you today! I hope you enjoyed it, let me know in the comments if you agree/disagree with any of these, and if you have anything you'd add!

Lydia xo

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