Wednesday 3 February 2016

Roosh V: The pro-rape 'pick up artist'

Today, I saw something online that utterly disgusted me. I read an article which was posted by the Independent, I'll link it below. The article was about anti-feminist blogger Daryush Valizadeh, who, is unbelievably pro-rape.

He believes that rape should be allowed on private property. Sorry, what? How anyone can justify any form of sexual abuse happening anywhere is beyond me!

Any sexual assault on either gender is 100% wrong, anyone with a brain can see that. And making it legal on private properties will not help the problem, it will increase the number of rape attacks, surely?!

The 'pick up artist' has organised events where like-minded men can all go and meet up, 8 of these meet ups are happening in various cities in the UK, one of which being Leeds, which is, for those who don't know, where I'm currently living. Terrifying.

One of Roosh V's 'pick up' tips is to "stop asking for permission", which is surely one of the premises behind rape? 'She didn't say no' comes to mind.

He believes that by legalising rape, it'll stop, you can almost see his logic there... or not. He also claims that rape is easily preventable, how can we prevent this, please tell me? I'm sure thousands of women, men and children would love to know how they could have prevented their attacker from violating their bodies.

"I saw women who, once feeling awkward, sad, or guilty for a sexual encounter they didn't fully remember, call upon an authority figure to resolve the problem by locking up her previous night's lover in prison or ejecting him from school."

So apparently if a woman has a one night stand, she automatically cries rape and goes to the police. I'm not saying there aren't women or men like this out there, but to say that to avoid embarrassment after a one night stand, women immediately go to the police? Jumping ahead of ourselves a bit aren't we?

Surely this is one of the biggest reasons both men and women are afraid to come forward after an assault, because of like minded bigots like Roosh V.

How 'pick up artist' Roosh V 'picks up' any women at all with these views is VERY questionable.

Men like Roosh V should not be taken seriously by anyone, and for those men attending the 'pick up artists' events in the various countries, well, you need to take a look at yourself or you're very likely to be single for a very long time.

Independent Article:

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